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What's News?
by Michael Eilers, Tuncer Deniz, Ben Wertz, David Simon, Paul Howell

Have some news that you'd like to announce? Send it along to us at

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Wednesday, April 7, 1999

Alpha Centauri Mac Version Confirmed
Many thanks to Spencer Olson for pointing out on our IMG Web Forums that a recent chat session with Brian Reynolds, the lead designer on Alpha Centauri, states that there will definitely be a Mac version of this popular game. It appears as a small quip on the second page of the chat transcript:

[DanQ] Will there be a Linux version?
[Brian_] Certainly a Mac version; I'm assuming a Linux version too though that hasn't been finalized...

'Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri' is an epic strategy game from the creator of Civilization and published by Firaxis Games. For more information on this highly anticipated game, take a look at it it's official homepage.

In related news, our contact at Firaxis (makers of Apha Centauri) today confirmed that a Mac version was under development. Interestingly enough, the Mac version is not being done in-house. Instead, Electronic Arts has contracted a 3rd party to do the port. Firaxis promises to send us more details as they become available. [Simon]

OpenGL comes to the Mac OS!

Apple has released beta version of the Open GL Development SDK and drivers . The OpenGL 1.0b1 Development SDK includes all of the documentation, headers, link libraries, and sample code required to get started with developing your OpenGL application on the Macintosh.

OpenGL 1.0b1 drivers include all of the beta libraries for the 1.0 version of OpenGL for Macintosh, including libraries to accelerate rendering on RAGE II, RAGE Pro, and RAGE 128 based systems. Apple warns that these libraries are beta, and may not be redistributed with your applications and that they will expire on June 1, 1999.

Are you ready for Quake III: Arena Test? You'll need the drivers to test it out! [Deniz]

OpenGL Beta Drivers for ATI

Quake III: Arena Test for Mac OS Confirmed
In related news, Mac Gamer's Ledge has reported that iD developer Graeme Devine confirmed the release of a PC, Mac and Linux version of Q3Test "in the next couple of weeks." Apple's release of the OpenGL beta drivers the day after this announcement seems like quite a coincidence to us at IMG! [Eilers]

Monkey Byte Launches Mac Galactic Patrol

Monkey Byte software - producers of titles such as Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and Tempest 2000 have finally released a demo of their retro-80's 3D action game, 'Galactic Patrol'. Here's what their website has to say about the game:

"Do you still love the pure fun of the classic space shooters, but want a fresh twist?

Galactic Patrol is a new 3d homage to the classic arcade hits of the early 80's. The look and spirit of such legendary games as Space Invaders, Galaga, Phoenix, and Galaxian pulse through Galactic Patrol's 25 levels in over 300 waves of shoot 'em up fun. Reflex-burning top view action, frenzied side scrolling , and comin' right at ya' rear views are all here in this retro-styled alien invasion."

Unfortunately the links for Galactic patrol are messed up more than yesterday's breakfast. After some exhaustive searching and some guesswork, IMG managed to locate to correct URLs for your convenience: [Simon] [ed note: as of press time, the link to the demo was still inoperative. We expect it to be working by later tonight.]

Galactic Patrol Demo (2 MB)

"Revision D" 333 Mhz iMacs Confirmed

Apple Insider has confirmed that 333 Mhz versions of Apple's beloved iMac systems will be shipping by the end of next week, although they will not officially be announced until April 19th. According to the article, CompUSA has already received some of the units but isn't allowed to sell them unless requested. Since the price of the iMac will remain the same ($1199 suggested retail price) it would seem that stores will be eager to get rid of their slower iMacs before stocking the faster ones. So if you've been holding out for a new Mac or want to add some network opponents to your LAN, wait a few more weeks and step up to 333 Mhz for the same low price! [Eilers]

Bungie Takes a Poll on Myth: The Fallen Lords
Bungie's recent move to eliminate rank on Myth: The Fallen Lords' Bungie.Net online gaming server has produced a variety of reactions, from yawns to outrage. While many Myth: TFL players have obviously moved on to Myth II: Soulblighter, it seems some purists are still so in love with the original they want to play it forever—sentiments we at IMG can heartily appreciate.

From Bungie.Net's news page:

"The decision to unrank for Myth: The Fallen Lords was not a ploy to compel players to buy Myth II. Nor are we going to stop offering service to our Myth customers. Instead, the decision was made in response to user requests, and in an attempt to make a better place. However, since we've announced that we're doing away with the ranking system we've had numerous requests to leave it untouched. Rather than decide the issue ourselves, we've decided to allow you, the Myth players, to determine the fate of the Myth: The Fallen Lords ranks."

Bungie has obviously received enough flaming e-mail that they decided to do the democratic thing and put the issue to a poll. Only one vote per Bungie.Net login, and the voting booth is only open until April 16th (the day after tax day! Coincidence? We think not.) [Eilers]

Impressions Games Launches Website, Ports Caesar III
Fastest Game News Online reports that Impressions Games has recently posted a new Mac games website to promote their Mac OS games lineup.

From FGN:

"Mac-Games Makes Online Impression

"Macintosh: Impressions Games has launched its new Web site dedicated to the company's Macintosh games. With titles such as the Lords of the Realm series, Caesar, Caesar II, Robert E. Lee: Civil War General and Civil War Generals 2: Grant, Lee, Sherman set to feature on, it could turn out to be very popular. "The site is dedicated to ALL our Mac titles, past and present," said Impressions' Chris Beatrice. "We have been a strong member of the Mac community for a long while and will continue to support the platform for gaming."

Impressions Games is currently developing a Mac version of Ceasar III as well, adding to the rapidly growing list of empire-building games coming to the Mac this year. [Kester]

Civilization: Call To Power Correction
As alert readers Terry, Jeff and Tom pointed out (thanks guys!) a version of Civ: CTP is indeed coming to the Mac OS, brought to us by prolific porting house MacSoft. We do not have an expected ship date for this title, but the release of the final PC version means that we're one step closer to enjoying this Civilization sequel on our platform. [Eilers]

Railroad Tycoon II Official Press Release

IMG has received the official press release for this upcoming title (currently in beta testing) and we are glad to report that the port has several Mac-only features and will support networking with PC opponents.

Here are some choice tidbits from the press release:

"Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh is heading down the tracks with a hefty boxcar load of game features including a sophisticated stock market, a multitude of maps and special Mac-version only features such as built-in speech support and three additional stand-alone scenarios. Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh, a strategy simulation game, is the highly anticipated Mac version to PopTop Software's PC smash hit Railroad Tycoon II. Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh is being co-developed by PopTop and Mac gaming specialist Westlake Interactive. Developer-driven computer and video game publisher Gathering of Developers will ship Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh in spring 1999...

"Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh is based upon PopTop's proprietary S3D engine, which allows for highly detailed 3D graphics and rendering. The engine, powering 300,000 polygons displayed on the screen at once, generates real-world environments, terrain and a competitive arena. Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh supports 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution. Tycoons can test the building and financial skills of other Mac gamers as Railroad Tycoon II for the Macintosh supports AppleTalk, as well as multiplayer play using TCP/IP."

Expect a preview of this game from IMG soon, and of course a review once it hits the streets. No word as of yet on a demo version, however. [Eilers]

VooDoo 3 for PC Shipping
According to various reports, 3dFX Interactive's next-generation VooDoo 3 cards are now shipping from online stores such as Babbages and EB world. Ranging in price from $180 to $256, these cards seem to be focused on AGP (rather than PCI) versions. No word of a ship date for Mac versions of these cards was announced, though we expect some news in this area shortly. [Eilers]

Duke Nukem Forever Gets New Technology
Several PC news sites (including Adrenaline Vault and FGNOnline) have noted that 3D Realms (maker of Duke Nukem) has integrated a new technology called Sven Technologies Multi-Resolution Geometry into their upcoming title Duke Nukem Forever. MRG allows games to "scale" the number of polygons and textures in a model dynamically, dramatically improving frame rates in heavy combat situations. According to Sven Technologies' descriptions, their MRG engine will eliminate the barriers that have faced titles such as Unreal, which tend to limit your in-game combat with high-polygon opponents to one or two at a time for speed reasons. Unreal's single-player mode shows much evidence of this technique.

However, the inclusion of MRG into Duke Nukem Forever might be a serious blow to a possible Mac version of this game, since the MRG SDK and development environment seem to be PC-only at this point, with no plans of a Mac version listed on the web site. Duke Nukem Forever was previously assumed to be a shoe-in as it used the Unreal engine, which is of course already on the Macintosh platform. We'll do some investigating and let you know if this affects a possible Mac version of DNF. [Eilers]

Starship Titanic Finally Docks
Mac fan and IMG reader Fawzy Simon dropped us a note to let us know that copies of Starship Titanic are beginning to arrive. Hopefully this means that the game will begin to appear in stores as well. [Eilers]

More Women In Gaming Articles
Our thanks to IMG reader Andrew Nichols for pointing out another excellent series of articles on women in the game industry by author Farah Huston. Entitled "The Pink Aisle," these are clear-headed and rhetoric-free essays with a feminine perspective of the game industry. Stop by and give them a read, if you get a chance. And please let us know what you think about the position of women in the game industry. [Eilers]

In Other News

Even Columnists Like Games:
Tom Lovino of the great Mac website About This Particular Macintosh confesses that he uses his Mac for games. Hey, is that so wrong?

UnrealFinder Updated:
this utility for finding online servers for Unreal slaughterfests is now at 1.0.2 and requires Unreal version 2.2.0.

Get Games 4 your Mac:
The Games 4 Mac Campaign website has ben updated with a new campaign to convince UbiSoft to bring the racing game Speed Busters to the Mac. Stop by and sign up, and sign their many other petitions while you are at it!

Starcraft Fever Spreading:
The Macintosh in Cyberspace web site is now hosting a boatload (current count - 93) of Mac Starcraft maps to help extend the life of this fantastic game. While you're there... check out their selection of Myth II and Warcraft II Maps.

Mac-O-Rama Contest:

Win hardware, software, t-shirts and more in Mac-O-Rama's MACtacular EGGstravaganza. Begins March 31st.

New Releases
Imperialism II
Tomb Raider Gold
America's Greatest Solitaire Games
Game Pad Pro USB
Yoot Tower
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Fusion Gamepad
Prince of Persia Collection

Future Releases
Falcon 4.0
Civ 2 Gold w/Multiplayer Edition
Redneck Rampage
Starship Titanic

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